Our Constitution

Our Constitution


The name of the Association is The Jersey Compliance Officers Association.

Aims and Objectives

The Aims and Objectives of the Association are:

  • to provide a forum for discussion of regulatory risk and compliance issues;
  • to provide information and other services to its members;
  • to represent the views, and where necessary negotiate on behalf of, members in dealing with official and other bodies; and
  • to encourage co-operation between  members of the Association and to stimulate the interest and participation of members in matters of a regulatory risk and compliance related nature.


There is a single category of membership of the Association, 'Individual'.

An 'Individual' member is a member in thier own right and not conditional on employment in a financial services entity.  The member is not able to transfer thier membership to any other person.

Applications for membership must be made to the Committee and will be considered, approved or rejected by the Committee of the Association (in its absolute discretion, whose decision shall be final).

The Committee shall have the power to refuse to renew the membership of any member whose activities or conduct are, in its opinion, inconsistent with the objects of the Association.

The Committee shall have the power to revoke membership of any member whose activities or conduct are, in its opinion, inconsistent with the objects of the Association, at any time and without notice to the member.

The Committee shall not be obliged to disclose its reasons for any decision made in relation to the granting or refusal of membership.

Subscription and Expenses

A subscription of an amount as shall be fixed by the Committee from time to time, will be payable on admission to membership and on an annual basis thereafter. membership is for a 12 months period and members are responsible for renewing their membership every year on the calendar date of admission to the Association.  Changes in the annual subscription may be made from time to time with the approval of the members in General Meeting.

The expenses of the Association shall be met by subscriptions or from other sources not leading to a charge on the Association.

General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members shall be held at least once in every calendar year and not later than 18 months after the previous AGM.  General meetings of members may be held in addition to the AGM and shall be convened by the Chairman or on application to the Committee, of at least 10 members of the Association of 21 days notice.  No business shall be transacted at a General meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. For this purpose, a quorum of a general meeting will be 10% of the voting membership. Quorum comprises of members attending the AGM and those who have attended by proxy.

Each member present in person or by proxy shall be entitled to one vote at general meetings.  All decisions shall be made by simple majority.  In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

Nominations for committee members to be elected at an AGM must be received by the Committee no later than two weeks prior to the AGM and must be signed in each case by the proposer, seconder and the nominee.

Should more Committee members be nominated than there be vacancies available, the resultant election shall be decided by a vote of members present at the meeting.


The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a committee not exceeding ten in number the officers of which will comprise the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer and such other officers as the members of  the Association may decide.  The Chairman and Deputy Chairman shall not be persons from the same company or business or organisation.

With the exception of the Chairman, committee members may offer themselves for re-election every year.  The Chairman shall retire after a maximum of 2 years and may not serve a further term of office as Chairman, for at least 2 years.  The Deputy Chairman will assume the appointment of Chairman on vacation of the latter’s tenure, subject to the approval of a general meeting.

The committee may at its discretion co-opt additional members and establish sub-committees for specific periods or duties.

Amendments to Constitution

No additions to or alterations to this Constitution shall be made other than at an Annual General Meeting or at a Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.

Any members wishing to propose such alterations or additions must send the proposal, duly seconded, in writing to the Secretary for submission to the Committee. The Committee shall, if possible, bring the proposals before the next Annual General Meeting or, if it thinks it desirable, may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Approved by members at the Annual General Meeting held on 4th October 2016