JCOA members webinar: Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice… how the Crypto Queen and her Associates deceived Financial Institutions, TCSPs and Law Firms to Launder their Proceeds of Crime

August 9, 2022 12:00 pm

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Event Details:

Our next webinar of 2022 will be held on Tuesday 9 August at 12 pm.

The video will be made available to members on demand after the event; however, we recommend that you attend the live webinar as you will have the opportunity to ask the presenter questions during the session.

We are delighted to welcome Samantha Sheen, founder of Ex Ante Advisory Limited, who will be providing our members with a webinar on the One Coin case and an inside view of the tactics used to launder the proceeds from this scheme.

The recent release of Jamie Bartlett's book about the infamous OneCoin Case and the Crypto Queen has brought this case back into the spotlight. With so much coverage about the tactics used to scam unsuspecting consumers to invest in this questionable crypto investment scheme, the financial institutions, gatekeepers and TCSPs who handled those proceeds are often overlooked.

How did the Queen's associates manage to launder millions of dollars via private equity investment funds, move proceeds between jurisdictions and keep the lawyers who assisted them in setting up these structured in the dark for so long? This session will look at the tactics these actors employed and provide food for thought for regulated entities working in international finance centres about the measures they may need to be taking to avoid being misused in a similar fashion.

To register for the event, please click on the link below to be automatically registered.

Your CPD should be automatically recorded once you have viewed the full video.  Please note that you must remain in the webinar until the moderator ends the session in order to be issued with a CPD certificate.

We will be starting the event at 12 pm promptly and so please ensure that you allow sufficient time to join the webinar.

Please contact the Committee at committee@jcoa.co.uk should you have any questions or concerns.


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