February 2022 – Moneyval and Regulatory Investigations (On Demand)

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Event Details:

Please find below a link to view our webinar that was held Tuesday 15 February at 12 pm.

We have made the video available to all members to view at your convenience.

With the Moneyval assessment of Jersey due to take place in 2023, Howard Sharp Q.C, Caroline Dutot and Mike O’Connell from Ardent Chambers join us to talk about three topical areas, all tied to the subject of regulatory investigations. Designed to help keep you up to date on recent legislative changes in key areas involving both the civil penalties and SAR regime and to support you in getting that all important balance right in decision-making between regulatory and commercial interests.

  • How to take robust regulatory decisions (Mike O’Connell)
  • Recent case law that impacts the SAR and no consent regime (Howard Sharp Q.C.)
  • Revisions to the civil penalties regime and what is a ‘significant and material’ breach (Caroline Dutot)

The video will be made available to members on demand after the event; however, we recommend that you attend the live webinar as you will have the opportunity to ask the presenter questions during the session.

To register for the event, please click on the link below to be automatically registered.

Your CPD should be automatically recorded once you have viewed the full video.

We will be starting the event at 12 pm promptly and so please ensure that you allow sufficient time to join the webinar.

Please contact the Committee at committee@jcoa.co.uk should you have any questions or concerns.

Webinar hints and tips

We have noted that in our previous webinars, some members have had issues with joining and viewing the webinar.   Please see below for further guidance on common issues members have experienced:

  1. Webinar not loading when clicking on the link to join

The webinar system we use is called Demio.  Demio only supports certain browsers which are listed below.  If you do not use a supported browser (with the minimum version requirements detailed below) you will not be able to join the webinar:

Chrome 55+
Firefox 53+
Safari 12.1+
Edge 42

  1. Webinar not loading when using an iPad

As noted above, Demio does support Safari but Demio does not officially support the use of iPads.  We understand from Demio that if you are using your mobile you should be able to join by clicking on your unique join link.  We would suggest that where possible you join using your desktop or laptop for better resolution and ease of use.

  1. Webinar sound quality and connection is not good

Live-video broadcasts can be quite demanding on connections and require a faster speed than for other internet-based services.  Please see below for some suggestions to help improve connectivity:

  1. Connect to your network with an ethernet cable (directly to your modem/router) rather than using wifi.
  2. Ensure the network you're on is working correctly. Spotty connections (constantly going in-and-out) can be an underlying problem related to the network itself. Check with your internet service provider to rule out any issues.
  3. Ensure that you or others on the same network aren't consuming large amounts of bandwidth through other applications/uses (such as streaming video content, downloading large files, etc.). Doing so can limit the amount of bandwidth available for you to use for connecting to the Demio servers.
  4. If you have an older computer (or have several programs running at once), you might be limiting the available resources that Demio can use. Closing out any unused/competing applications can help free up resources.
  5. You may experience choppy audio/video when you initially turn on and connect your devices—this occurs as the connection is first being established and is normal. Once it successfully connects, everything should clear up.
  1. Upon joining the webinar it notes that webinar is waiting to start but it does not load.

This may be as a result of your firewall settings which restrict access to the Demio webinar.  We recommend that in the first instance you try joining from your mobile phone or use your mobile hotspot to join the sessions.

If this does not work, we have included more guidance from Demio on the IP addresses that need to be whitelisted in order connect which you can communicate to your IT department.

We use dynamic IP addresses at Demio, you'd need to whitelist the below domains to connect:


When it comes to the ports used by the Demio streaming service, our recommendations are as follows: 

Minimum: we require TCP port 443/8443 to be open. Some firewall/proxy rules only allow for SSL traffic over port 443. You will need to make sure that non-web traffic can also pass over this port.


There are no files for this event at this time.

Check back later for any resources needed before the event.